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Physics view of passive electronic components

Resistor: under a forced response, a voltage is instantly placed across a resistor, and current immediately flows.

Capacitor: under a forced response, the voltage across a capacitor cannot change instantly, and essentially acts as a short. At time zero (or t = 0), the voltage is zero. current at time zero (t = 0), is also zero.

Inductor: under a forced response, an inductors voltage can change instantly, but the current at time zero (t = 0) is zero.

t=0 (time zero) is when the circuit is first energized.

A forced response is a switch of some kind being thrown to energize a circuit.

Why would you need  to know  a   physics view of a circuit?

Because   to solve   differential   equations   (like   in   transient circuits)   you have to know initial conditions, which can be figured out by looking at the circuit in a physics point of view.

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